marpac dohm sound machine

When we moved into the house we live in now one of the things we did not realize is that you can basically hear everything from anywhere, and although the floor is a beautiful dark hardwood, it creaks! With us trying to get our baby to sleep longer, these both posed a challenge. We didn't have any kind of sound machine before, when living in Brooklyn somehow the city sounds became their own kind of white noise. But with this new set of circumstances, I decided to look into white noise or sounds machines. 
I had used my phone temporarily to play some kind of rain and light sounds for our first kid. But, that also meant I couldn't use my phone and it had to be on airplane mode. So it was only in temporary situations, if we were traveling or something. I was looking for something that was dedicated to this purpose. The intention was the it would help our baby sleep deeper in our sound filled home. 

One of the best reviewed machines on Amazon is the Marpac Dohm Sound Machine. When deciding on this one, I liked that it was not an electric sound, that it actually had motors that made an authentic sound. I also liked that it was minimally designed, and white. It seemed like a solidly built machine that had been around for a while. Simple. Effective.

When I received the sound machine, all the reasons that I had chosen it as my top pick were confirmed. It sits atop the kids' dresser and barely takes up much space. It has a high and a low setting and there are a variety of combinations of rotating the side of the unit and the top to get a subtle variety of sounds. 

After doing some more research, I realized that this machine has been produced since 1962, a great indicator for quality. We have been using this machine since September and it has very much improved our little one's sleep. It means we also can talk instead of whisper once she's asleep and we don't have to so carefully tip toe and try to avoid the mosaic of creaks in the floor. We love this machine so much that we purchased the Rohm for our trips away from home. Our baby likes turning it on and knows also that it indicates sleep time!

Thank you to Marpac for providing the Dohm, this awesome sound machine to experience.